MBA Studium bei Wuerth

MBA program offered by Akademie Würth Business School (Photo: Peter Petter / Würth archive)

Continuing education is a key component of corporate ­culture at Würth. In addition to commercial, logistics and technical apprenticeships, Würth also offers bachelor’s degree courses in these areas in collaboration with Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University.

Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG set up Akademie Würth back in 1991. It allows employees to put together their own continuing education program.

Akademie Würth Business School offers Würth Group employees and interested external parties continuing education programs for working professionals. These include a Bachelor of Arts in cooperation with the Distance Learning University in Hamburg. An absolute highlight is the opportunity for interested individuals to continue their academic career with a Master of Business Administration (MBA). The English-language MBA degree, which lasts only 13.5 months, has been on offer for many years now in successful cooperation with the renowned and AACSB-accredited University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA.